“Australian report shows rise in resistant E coli bacteremia”

“A new surveillance report by Australian health officials has found rising antibiotic resistance in the most common cause of bacteremia.

Data from the Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (AGAR) 2016 report on sepsis outcomes show increasing non-susceptibility in Escherichia colito key antibiotics such as ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin. E coli accounted for 36.8% of more than 11,000 episodes of bacteremia in Australia.

Bacteremia—the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream—can be a trigger for sepsis, a severe, life-threatening response of the immune system to bacterial infection. The report uses bacteremia as an indicator of true invasive bacterial infections. The AGAR data, which are used by Australian hospitals to make informed decisions about antibiotic therapy and care for patients with sepsis, comes from 32 healthcare institutions across Australia.”

Source: CIDRAP


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